Youth Programme: Nursing and Digital Health Informatics



Nursing Informatics is a combination of cognitive science, computer science, information science, and nursing science. It includes the development, analysis, and evaluation of information systems augmented by technologies that support, enhance and manage patient care. Nursing Informatics is an intersection between patient care and patient health information. It is focused on patient care, specifically by optimizing the technology used by nurses.

Health Informatics (also known as Healthcare Informatics) is a combination of computer science, information science and health science designed to assist in the management and processing of data, information and knowledge to support healthcare and healthcare delivery. Health informatics work provides electronic access to medical records for patients, doctors, nurses, hospital administrators, insurance companies, and health information technicians.

This programme introduces participants to the following:

  1. What is digital health and how health informatics has changed the way healthcare is delivered.
  2. The definition and development of Nursing Informatics.
  3. The current situation and trend of smart hospital nursing and health system construction.
  4. Patient data security and privacy.
  5. eHealth: The application of technology and data in modern health and social care services.

Participants will have a good understanding on:

  1. Health Informatics
  2. Nursing Informatics
  3. Emerging technologies for eHealth solutions
  4. Patient data security and privacy
  5. Acting as a translator between nurses, system engineers, analysts, or designers
  6. Applications of eHealth.


Youth Programme Welcome by Dean Highlight 2 for the programme
Welcome message from Dean of NUS SCALE Tutorials conducted over Zoom


Basic understanding of the use of technology and nursing 


Undergraduate with good command of English


18 hours of synchronous lessons, tutorials and a final project presentation.


  • Continuous Assessment: Online Quiz
  • Final Assessment: Project Presentation 
Danny Poo

Associate Professor Danny Poo
Deputy Head, Department Of Information Systems and Analytics

Dr. Danny Poo brings with him 40 years of Software Engineering and Information Technology and Management experience. A graduate from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), England, Dr. Poo is an Associate Professor at the Department of Information Systems and Analytics, School of Computing, National University of Singapore. He is currently the deputy head of the Department of Information Systems and Analytics, NUS.

Dr. Poo was the founding Director of the Centre for Health Informatics, NUS from 2012 to 2015. The Centre is the lead provider of human capital in Health Informatics and its mission is to train healthcare and IT professionals to use Health Informatics to find new ways of delivering healthcare to achieve better patient care and patient satisfaction. The Centre also serves as a hub for Health Informatics research and information exchange. Dr. Poo is actively involved in healthcare informatics training and has taught numerous healthcare professionals in “Healthcare Informatics Leadership”, “Managing Healthcare Information Technology Projects”, “Introduction to Health Informatics”, “Healthcare Analytics” and “Healthcare Systems, Technologies and Systems”. He was the organizing chairman for two major conferences in Big Data Analytics in Healthcare held in Singapore from 2013 and 2014.

A well-known speaker in seminars, Dr. Poo has conducted numerous in-house training and consultancy for organizations, both locally and regionally. His notable teaching credentials include • Data Strategy • Data StoryTelling • Data Visualisation • Big Data Analytics • Machine Learning • Data Management • Data Governance • Data Architecture • Capstone Projects for Business Analytics • Software Engineering • Server-side Systems Design and Development • Information Technology Project Management • Health Informatics • Healthcare Analytics • Health Informatics Leadership.



Successful participants who complete all requirements of the programme including passing the assessment will receive a certificate of completion issued by NUS SCALE.
A sample of the certificate of completion can be found here: 

Participants from the project team with the highest score for the group project will also receive a commendation letter. A sample is shown below:
Sample Online Commendation Letter

For programme enquiries, please contact us at

20 October 2023