Digital transformation helps companies or organisations keep up with emerging customer demands and changing business needs. Companies are invited to embark on an Industry 4.0 journey with us as project sponsors.

The capstone project is an essential course of the NUS Master of Science (Smart Industries and Digital Transformation), formerly Master of Science (Industry 4.0), programme. Through this core course, students gain valuable experience when applying their knowledge of Industry 4.0 technologies to accelerate the digital transformation journey with participating companies.

Supervised by NUS faculty with the appropriate expertise for the project, students work in groups to apply one or more Industry 4.0 technologies to address difficulties or challenges raised by companies. The deliverables will be a prototype or minimum viable product, a written report and an oral presentation.

The Capstone Project is carried out over 23 weeks and is usually scheduled to run twice a year, i.e. from January to June, or from August to January. Sponsoring companies for the MSc (Smart Industries and Digital Transformation) Capstone Project will benefit from a fresh perspective and innovation approach from the students at no additional cost as this is not an internship programme. Each company is recommended to offer up to two projects for each run of this course.

Why Sponsor a Project?

  • Attract new talent through direct interaction with students
  • Identify potential talent by assessing students in a project setting
  • Build Industry 4.0 capabilities
  • Enhance productivity
  • Accelerate the digital transformation journey with additional manpower
  • Gain fresh perspectives from MSc (Smart Industries and Digital Transformation) students in resolving issues

Click here to view a video of the Capstone Project Showcase and hear sponsors and students speak about their experience.


To apply to sponsor projects, companies should propose projects in one or more of the following areas:

  • Data Mining and Interpretation/ Statistics for Data Science
  • Deep Learning for Industry/ Computing Foundation II
  • Digital Business
  • Principles and Practice of Secure Systems/ Intelligent Robotic Systems/ Intelligent Software Agents
  • Robotics and Automation
  • Intelligent Sensing Systems
  • Internet of Things
  • Pattern Recognition Systems
  • Digital Supply Chain
  • Quality Assurance and Yield Optimisation
  • Financial Management and Analytics

Application Timeline for Project Sponsors

Project Run Submit Project Details By
Jan to Jun End Jul
Aug to Jan End Feb 


Companies Who Have Sponsored Projects






If you would like to know more, please contact us at scale.capstone@nus.edu.sg.

16 August 2024