The National University of Singapore (NUS) Master of Science (Venture Creation) (MSc (Venture Creation)) is a multidisciplinary programme that draws from the expertise of:

It is an immersive graduate degree programme that combines experiential learning with the academic rigour of one of the top universities in Asia and the world.

Designed to transform mindsets and accelerate the translation of ideas into solutions, the programme targets aspiring entrepreneurs wanting to launch new ventures with success by providing mentorship in business development and access to NUS technologies, as well as opportunities to network for market access.

Gain exposure in hot topics such as Industry 4.0, digital supply chain, cybersecurity, biotechnology, medical technology and financial technology—just some of the courses offered by the six academic units and the entrepreneurial arm of NUS lending their weight to this programme.

The programme was previously marketed as the Master of Science (MSc) in Entrepreneurship.

Why This Programme?

  • Tap on more than 20 years of experience in nurturing entrepreneurship, with the expertise of NUS Enterprise, which spearheads such flagship initiatives as NUS Overseas Colleges and BLOCK71.
  • Deep dive into entrepreneurship with core/essential courses that provide all the guidance, skillsets and opportunities needed to transform ideas into viable businesses.
  • Build a strong technical foundation by harnessing the technical expertise of six academic departments to deepen skills and knowledge through a range of elective courses.


Application Period
An Academic Year (AY) at NUS consists of two semesters and a special term (which occurs during the Semester 2 Vacation, and is divided into two parts of six weeks duration each):

  • Semester 1: Aug–Dec
  • Semester 2: Jan–May
  • Special Term (Part 1): May–Jun
  • Special Term (Part 2): Jun–Jul

For the MSc (Venture Creation) programme, there is one application period for each AY:

Programme Intake Application Dates
MSc (Venture Creation) Semester 1
(Aug Intake)*
1 Nov of preceding year to 31 Jan of intake year

* Although Semester 1 officially starts in Aug, students in the MSc (Venture Creation) programme attend a two-week summer programme in entrepreneurship in Jul.


Admission to the NUS MSc (Venture Creation) programme is granted on a competitive basis as places in the programme are limited. Applicants should possess the following minimum requirements:


Bachelor's Degree (preferably with Honours)


Strong interest in entrepreneurship and innovation, including demonstrated involvement in entrepreneurial activities; or a background in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM); or at least one year of working experience

English Language

Applicants whose native tongue is not English:

  • Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) minimum score of 85 (Internet-based) and at least 22 for both the speaking and writing components; or,
  • International English Language Testing System (IELTS) minimum Academic score of 6.0 and at least 6.0 for both the speaking and writing components

Note: TOEFL / IELTS scores are valid for two years from the test date and should not have expired at point of application. Expired scores will not be considered for the application.


Not applicable

Note: Resume and complete or current academic transcripts and degree scroll(s) will need to be submitted with an application. Applicants are responsible for ensuring that application information and all supporting documents are truthful and correct. NUS reserves the right to verify information provided as part of an application. False or misleading information in an application (including but not limited to test scores, resumes, certificates, transcripts, etc.) is grounds for admission rejection, revocation and/or dismissal from the University.


The NUS MSc (Venture Creation) programme is offered on the following basis (with estimated time to complete the programme indicated below):

 Full-time  12–18 months 

Note: International applicants must be accepted into an approved full-time course in Singapore to apply for a Student’s Pass. For more information, refer to the Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) website.


The NUS MSc (Venture Creation) is a 40-Unit coursework-based Master’s Degree programme comprising:

  • Core/essential courses (28 Units), and
  • Elective courses (12 Units):

    • At least 8 Units from Specialised Electives,
    • Up to 4 Units from General Electives.

The following table provides a more detailed description of the programme structure:

(two weeks)
Summer Programme in Entrepreneurship
A two-week programme that offers an immersive experience of entrepreneurship in Singapore and Southeast Asia, to educate and inspire, and to create opportunities to connect deeply with peers and with the entrepreneurship ecosystem.
August to December Innovation & Enterprise Internship
A semester-long-startup internship experience. Work alongside co-founders of innovative startups, feel the energy and get into the action, figure out what it takes for a business to thrive, connect with like-minded people from the startup community, and forge a network of friends and future partners.


Intellectual Property Commercialization Practicum (IPCP)*
Students will learn skills to strategically manage and commercialize intellectual property (IP) assets, through a practicum that includes market and competitor analysis, as well as market validation of IPs through engagement with companies.
New Venture Creation
With the goal of helping students understand the process, challenges, risks and rewards of starting up a new business, this course equips students with the tools to improve their chances of successfully starting their own businesses.
January to June  GRIP Venture Creation Practicum
This course provides guidance and support to accelerate ideas into viable businesses. Through a step-by-step hands-on approach and mentorship, students will be empowered with the knowledge, skillsets and tools to bring their startups from ideation to fruition.

* Applicable from AY2025/2026 cohort

Core/Essential Courses

Students are required to complete 28 Units of core/essential courses covering three key areas:

  • Foundation in venture creation (8 Units),
  • Startup internship (ETP5301; 8 Units) or Intellectual Property Commercialization Practicum (ETP5332; 8 Units)*, and
  • Accelerated venture creation (12 Units).

* Applicable from AY2025/2026 cohort

View Courses

Course Code Course Title Units
ETP3321 Summer Programme in Entrepreneurship 4
Innovation & Enterprise Internship 8
Intellectual Property Commercialization Practicum*
GRIP Venture Creation Practicum
New Venture Creation

* Applicable from AY2025/2026 cohort

Elective Courses

Students must complete 12 Units of elective courses, with at least 8 Units from Specialised Electives and up to 4 Units from General Electives (elective course offerings are subject to change and may not be offered every semester).

View Courses

Specialised Electives
Course Code Course Title Units
ETP5341 New Venture Finance  4
ETP5331 Intellectual Property Basics for Entrepreneurs 4
Agile Venture Leadership
Carbon Market & Sustainable Financing
BMS5121S Digital Transformation & Strategy
BMS5123S Entrepreneurship Business Development
BMS5203S The Knowledge & Innovation Economy 4.0
BMS5124S Entrepreneurial Management   4

General Electives
Course Code Course Title Units
BMS5117 Game Theory for Managers  4
BMS5122 Legal Fundamentals for Entrepreneurs & Managers 4
BMS5125 Sustainability Strategy  4
BMS5205 Business Analytics
BMS5313 Empowering and Financing Positive Impact Creation
Negotiation and Conflict Management
Designing Organisations with Data
Managing Across Cultures
BMS5506 Understanding & Influencing Consumers  4
Personal Selling & Sales Management
Services Marketing
Management of Technology-related
Course Code Course Title Units
MT5006 Strategic & New Product Development^ 4
MT5007 Management of Technological Innovation^ 4
 IE5211  New Product Development
Course Code Course Title Units
CS5228 Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 4
CS5242 Neural Networks and Deep Learning 4
CS5272 Embedded Software Design 4
CS5321 Network Security 4
CS5322 Database Security 4
CS5331 Web Security 4
CS5332 Biometric Authentication 4
CS5339 Theory and Algorithms for Machine Learning 4
CS5421 Database Applications Design and Tuning 4
CS5422 Wireless Networking
CS5424 Distributed Databases 4
CS5425 Big Data Systems for Data Science 4
CS5439 Software Security 4
DOS5022 Data Analytics for Smart Manufacturing 4
DOS5024 Strategic Procurement in a Digital World 2
EE5025 Intellectual Property: Innovations in IoT 2
IND5021 Managing the Digital Supply Chain 4
IS5003 Platform Design and Economy 4
IS5004 Enterprise Architecture 4
IS5005 Digital Engagement 4
IS5006 Human-Centred Intelligent Systems 4
IS5007 Strategising for Global IT-enabled Business Success 4
IS5116 Digital Entrepreneurship 4
IS5117 Digital Government 4
IS5126 Hands-on with Applied Analytics 4
IS5128 Digital Innovation 4
IS5151 Information Security Policy and Management 4
IS5152 Data-Driven Decision Making 4
IS5451 Pervasive Technology Solutions and Development 4
MDG5227 Bio-Innovation & Entrepreneurship 4
MDG5236 Pathways to Biomedical Innovation and Enterprise 2
MDG5237 Biomedical Innovation Capstone 2
Applied Data Mining^ 4

^ Subject to approval
 Offered once every two years starting Semester 2, AY2019/2020

For more details about the courses (e.g. laboratory-based or not, subsidy status), please click here.

View sample study schedule.

Note: Courses are subject to change. For more information about the courses listed above (as well as other courses offered in the current academic year), please visit NUSMODS.


To graduate from the NUS MSc (Venture Creation) programme, students must meet the following requirements:

Programme and/or Specialisation

Read and pass a total of 40 Units, comprising:

  • 28 Units of core/essential courses, and
  • 12 Units of elective courses:
    • At least 8 Units from Specialised Electives,
    • Up to 4 Units from Generalised Electives.
Course and/or Qualification

Not applicable

Grade Point Average (GPA) 

Minimum 3.0 (out of maximum 5.0)

Please see also the University’s minimum standards for Continuation and Graduation Requirements specific programmes may implement stricter or additional requirements.

Other  Any other additional requirements that may be prescribed by the Programme Management Committee for MSc (Venture Creation), or the University.


The University reserves all rights to review fees as necessary and adjust accordingly without prior notice.


S$56,000.00 (excluding GST) / 
S$61,040.00 (including 9% GST)

Note: The tuition fees for this programme are payable based on the number of Units taken in a semester. The amount stated above is for 40 Units. Students who are required to take more than 40 Units for programme completion may be subjected to additional tuition fees.

Financial Assistance

Students in this programme may be eligible to receive funding support from some of the following scholarship and financial assistance schemes*:

* Subject to terms and conditions. Kindly refer to respective bodies offering the scholarship or financial assistance scheme for more information. NUS makes no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of the information provided here.


S$100.00 (excluding GST) /
S$109.00 (including 9% GST)

  • Non-refundable and non-transferable


S$5,000.00 (excluding GST) /
S$5,450.00 (including 9% GST)

  • Payable upon acceptance of offer
  • Non-refundable and non-transferable
  • Will be credited towards tuition fees

Miscellaneous Student Fees

As published by Office of the University Registrar

  • Payable every regular semester

Programme at a Glance*

Upcoming Event(s):

Watch this space for updates!

Next Intake:

Note: The MSc (Venture Creation) summer programme in entrepreneurship is conducted in Jul.
Application Period:
Nov 2025–Jan 2026#

Updating soon!

* For full details, please refer to main write-up.
Application submitted beyond deadline will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

For enquiries, contact us.


Nurturing Entrepreneurship


Click on the links below for more information:

Is work experience required for admission into the programme?

Work experience is not a pre-requisite for admission into the programme. However, because admission to the programme is on a competitive basis, applicants are encouraged to provide, along with their educational qualifications, details of any relevant work experience (including demonstrated involvement in entrepreneurial activities) so that their applications are more complete and representative of their achievements.

Is a video personal statement compulsory for admission into this programme?

From AY2021/2022 intake onwards, video personal statement is no longer compulsory. Instead, shortlisted candidates may be required to complete timed video interview at a later stage.

You may upload a written personal statement during the application.

I am interested to apply for the upcoming intake (e.g. AY2023/2024) but the Graduate Admission System (GDA2) only shows the current intake (e.g. AY2022/2023). Am I applying for the correct intake?

Applicants can rest assured that they are applying for the correct intake and may proceed with their applications.

An AY is technically considered to start in August (Semester 1). However, because the MSc (Venture Creation) programme starts with a Summer Programme in July (Special Term Part 2), the intake period is reflected in GDA2 as Semester 4 of the current AY. For example, the Summer Programme for the AY2023/2024 cohort runs in July 2023, which is reflected in GDA2 as AY2022/2023 Semester 4.

What support and funding is available to aspiring student entrepreneurs at NUS?

In this area, the MSc (Venture Creation) programme taps on the expertise of NUS Enterprise, which plays a pivotal role in fostering innovation and entrepreneurship among the NUS community, and developing Singapore’s start-up ecosystem. NUS Enterprise spearheads flagship initiatives such as the NUS Overseas College programme and BLOCK71.

Student entrepreneurs interested in the support and funding initiatives offered by NUS Enterprise can find out more here: https://enterprise.nus.edu.sg/funding/.

What career support services can NUS offer to graduates of the programme who prefer to enter the workforce instead of becoming entrepreneurs?

The Centre for Future-ready Graduates offers career resources that can be accessed by graduating students. The Centre aims to enhance students’ employability and ensure that they are career-ready upon graduation. Some of the support initiatives include career readiness programmes, campus recruitment talks, career fairs, and even one-on-one coaching with a certified career advisor.

Find out more here: http://nus.edu.sg/CFG/students.


For more Frequently Asked Questions, click here.

For enquiries, contact us.

We will guide you through the next steps of your transformative journey.

12 March 2025