NUS Lifelong Learning (L3) - Advanced Manufacturing & Engineering

NUS is ranked #1 in Asia for Engineering*

Eight new NUS projects spearhead research on low-carbon technologies
The research on low-carbon technologies played a key role in decreasing costs and increasing efficiencies of hydrogen-related processes in energy-disadvantaged Singapore. Read more ➜
Turning food waste to green energy
Associate Professor Tong Yen Wah and his team developed anaerobic digestive system for food waste treatment that generates heat, fertiliser and electricity in a project piloted at East Coast Lagoon Food Village. Read more ➜
Pioneering low-grade waste clay for greener concrete
The NUS team’s ingenious discovery reduced the use of low-grade waste clay for greener concrete that reduced consumption of valuable resources, and promoted a circular economy while addressing resource challenges amid Singapore’s rapid urban development. Read more ➜
Enabling a cost-efficient hydrogen economy through Southeast Asia's inaugural S$25 million Centre for Hydrogen Innovations
Led by Professor Liu Bin, this centre delivered cutting-edge research and technologies to the market through regional collaboration to create a viable hydrogen economy. Read more ➜
*Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2023 by Subject