and workplace-centric projects for business transformation.

BCP is an initiative by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) for enterprises to embark on projects in strengthening capabilities through implementation-led training, consultancy services and workplace-centric projects for business and operational transformation.
MSG is a financial grant provided by SSG to co-fund the costs incurred by enterprises in engaging NUS to provide project mentorship through consultancy and/or project-based implementation-led training.
Each enterprise can apply for a maximum of 3 BCPs to run consecutively.
With the backing of SSG & NUS, be ready to transform your enterprise with:

to help you explore new business methods and thinking

for piloting ideation and testing

and staying competitive in today's digital economy
Success Stories

*NUS Business Catalyst Project was previously known as NUS Enterprise Transformation Project
Who we work with
Eligibility Criteria

Government agencies (including ministries and statutory boards), Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs)* and Non-SMEs registered and operating in Singapore
*Definition of SMEs can be found here.

In a financially viable position to start and complete the BCP(s)
Funding information
Here is a simple illustration:

$30,000 | $27,000 |
$40,000 | $30,000 |

$30,000 | $21,000 |
$40,000 | $28,000 |
Types of BCP eligible for MSG

(including capstone project)

Embarking on BCP
Proposals submitted for BCP application should consist of two components:
(compulsory to include ≥ 1 of the following):
- Mentorship/Coaching
- Training
- Workshops

(may include ≥ 1 of the following):
- Consultancy services
- Implementation and monitoring
- Learning journeys
- Solutions curation and evaluation
Journey & Timeline
The journey consists of 4 phases (A to D) and typically spans 8 to 10 months:Phase A (5 – 8 Weeks)
BCP Scoping and Application
- Enterprise is keen on BCP
- NUS SCALE discusses with Enterprise and provides BCP Proposal Template
- CET Unit assigns BCP to Professor
- Enterprise submits BCP Proposal along with supporting documents to SCALE
- SCALE submits BCP Proposal to BCP Committee for support and review
Phase B (3 – 5 Weeks)
BCP Approval and Commencement
- NUS SCALE provides Assigned Professor with submission documents required for completion
- NUS BCP Committee approves Standard Packages / SSG approves Customised BCP
- BCP Agreement prepared and issued to Enterprise
- CET Unit issues Letter of Engagement to Assigned Professor
- Enterprise signs Agreement
- NUS prepares Invoice and issue to Enterprise
- Enterprise pays nett fees and BCP commences
Phase C & D
(6 Months and beyond)
Phase C: BCP Completion
- NUS SCALE monitors progress using Gantt Chart/Milestones chart during the 6 months of BCP
- Enterprise completes BCP
Phase D: BCP Completion
Within 1 week after BCP completion
- NUS SCALE to administer Level 1 & 2 Surveys for Enterprise
- NUS SCALE arranges for Success Stories and Testimonials interview
Within 2 weeks after BCP completion
- Assigned Professor submits all completion documentation and reports
After 3 months from completion date
- NUS SCALE meets Enterprise for Level 3 & 4 Survey interview