Certificate Programmes in Engineering

Certificate Programmes in Engineering

The Certificate Programmes in Engineering are certificate programmes targeted at working adults who wish to plug their knowledge gap and stay relevant by keeping abreast of the latest technological developments.

Offered by the College of Design and Engineering in partnership with NUS SCALE, each certificate comprises four to six courses and can generally be completed within 12 to 18 months.

Units attained through completion of the required courses through the NUS Lifelong Learning (L3) initiative / Executive Certificates programme can be stacked towards the fulfilment of the related Certificate Programme and Bachelor of Technology degree programmes.

Civil Engineering

1. Specialist Certificate in Civil Infrastructure

This certificate programme will provide further knowledge in Civil Infrastructure for NUS B.Eng. (Environmental Engineering) graduates who wish to be recognised by Professional Engineers (PE) Board and qualify for the Professional Engineering (Civil) registration. On completing this Specialist Certificate in Civil Infrastructure, graduates would possess good knowledge required of them for the Professional Engineering (Civil) registration to become a Professional Engineer (Civil).

To be awarded the Specialist Certificate, individuals must pass Courses 1 to 6 as listed below and attain a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.00 to be deemed to have successfully completed the programme. Former B.Eng. (Environmental Engineering) graduates will be required to pass Courses 7 and 8 if they had not completed these courses in their earlier degree programme.

Course SSG-funded Semester of Offer
1. TCE2112 Soil Mechanics  Yes August
2. TCE3115 Geotechnical Engineering Yes January
3.  TCE3155 Structural Analysis Yes August
4. TCE3116 Foundation Engineering  Yes  January
5. TCE3165 Structural Concrete Design Yes January
6. TCE3166 Structural Steel Design and System Yes January
7. TCE2155 Structural Mechanics and Materials Yes August
8. TCE3132 Water Resources Engineering  Yes August

  1. Check course details here (e.g. pre-requisites, SSG funding, units, lab/non-lab).
  2. SSG funding status and semester of offer may be subject to changes.
  3. Refer to fee information here.
  4. To apply for the courses, please check the Lifelong Learning Catalogue if they are available for the upcoming semester, and submit your application online.
  5. Contact SCALE upon successful completion of the required courses.

2. Specialist Certificate in Structural Design

This certificate programme will enable students to acquire in-depth knowledge of Structural Analysis and Design in accordance with the currently adopted Euro-Codes. The programme supports the Singapore government policy on the broad plans of SkillsFuture Singapore and Workforce Singapore (WSG) recommendations on Continuing Education and Training Masterplan (CET 2020). The cost of upgrading a professional locally is much less than that of training in UK and North America while he/she still remains in the Singapore workforce. The programme is also beneficial significantly for those who aspire to be a Professional Engineer (Civil Engineering) and have to sit for the Fundamentals of Engineering Examination (FEE) conducted by the Professional Engineers Board Singapore.

To be awarded the Specialist Certificate, individuals must pass all courses listed below and attain a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.00 to be deemed to have successfully completed the programme.

Course SSG-funded Semester of Offer
1. TCE1109 Statics and Mechanics of Materials Yes August
2. TCE2155 Structural Mechanics and Materials Yes August
3. TCE3165 Structural Concrete Design Yes January
4. TCE3166 Structural Steel Design and System Yes January
5. TCE3155 Structural Analysis Yes August

  1. Check course details here (e.g. pre-requisites, SSG funding, units, lab/non-lab).
  2. SSG funding status and semester of offer may be subject to changes.
  3. Refer to fee information here.
  4. To apply for the courses, please check the Lifelong Learning Catalogue if they are available for the upcoming semester, and submit your application online.
  5. Contact SCALE upon successful completion of the required courses.

3. Specialist Certificate in Geotechnical Engineering

This certificate programme will enable students to develop a deeper expertise in the field of Geotechnical and Transportation Engineering. The programme supports the Singapore government policy on the broad plans of SkillsFuture Singapore and Workforce Singapore (WSG) recommendations on Continuing Education and Training Masterplan (CET 2020). The cost of upgrading a professional locally is much less than that of training in UK and North America while he/she still remains in the Singapore workforce. The programme is also beneficial to a certain extent for those who aspire to be a Professional Engineer (Civil Engineering) and have to sit for the Fundamentals of Engineering Examination (FEE) conducted by the Professional Engineers Board Singapore.

To be awarded the Specialist Certificate, individuals must pass all courses listed below and attain a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.00 to be deemed to have successfully completed the programme.

Course SSG-funded Semester of Offer
1. TCE2112 Soil Mechanics Yes August
2. TCE2183 Construction Project Management Yes August
3. TCE3115 Geotechnical Engineering Yes January
4. TCE3116 Foundation Engineering Yes January

  1. Check course details here (e.g. pre-requisites, SSG funding, units, lab/non-lab).
  2. SSG funding status and semester of offer may be subject to changes.
  3. Refer to fee information here.
  4. To apply for the courses, please check the Lifelong Learning Catalogue if they are available for the upcoming semester, and submit your application online.
  5. Contact SCALE upon successful completion of the required courses.

4. Specialist Certificate in Water and the Environment

This certificate programme will enable students to develop fundamental understanding of Water Technology and the Environment. The programme supports the Singapore government policy on the broad plans of SkillsFuture Singapore and Workforce Singapore (WSG) recommendations on Continuing Education and Training Masterplan (CET 2020). The cost of upgrading a professional locally is much less than that of training in UK and North America while he/she still remains in the Singapore.

To be awarded the Specialist Certificate, individuals must pass all courses listed below and attain a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.00 to be deemed to have successfully completed the programme.

Course Pre-requisite  SSG-funded Semester of Offer
1. TCE2134 Hydraulics  See note 1 Yes January
2. TCE2184 Infrastructure & the Environment See note 1 Yes August
3. TCE3001 Water Quality Engineering
See note 1
Yes August 
4. TCE3132 Water Resources Engineering TCE2134
Yes August

  1. Check course details here (e.g. pre-requisites, SSG funding, units, lab/non-lab).
  2. SSG funding status and semester of offer may be subject to changes.
  3. Refer to fee information here.
  4. To apply for the courses, please check the Lifelong Learning Catalogue if they are available for the upcoming semester, and submit your application online.
  5. Contact SCALE upon successful completion of the required courses.


Chemical Engineering

1. Specialist Certificate in Multiphase Processing

This certificate programme will enable students to develop fundamental understanding of fluid systems and multiphase systems that are widely encountered in many chemical process industries. Both fundamental concepts and applications of those concepts for engineering designs of fluid and multiphase systems will be emphasised. Students will learn how to design filtration systems for liquid-solid separation, sedimentation processes, fluidised beds, pneumatic transport systems, gas cyclones for gas-solid separation and others. The programme will also include a subject on heat and mass transfer where engineering designs of heat exchangers will be discussed.

To be awarded the Specialist Certificate, individuals must pass all courses listed below and attain a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.00 to be deemed to have successfully completed the programme.

Course SSG-funded Semester of Offer
1. TTG1401 Engineering Mathematics I No August/January
2. TCN1111 Chemical Engineering Principles No
3. TCN2411 Mathematics for Chemical Engineers 2 No
4. TCN2122 Fluid Mechanics  No
5. TCN2125 Heat and Mass Transfer  No
6. TCN3124 Particle Technology  No

  1. Check course details here (e.g. pre-requisites, SSG funding, units, lab/non-lab).
  2. SSG funding status and semester of offer may be subject to changes.
  3. Refer to fee information here.
  4. To apply for the courses, please check the Lifelong Learning Catalogue if they are available for the upcoming semester, and submit your application online.
  5. Contact SCALE upon successful completion of the required courses.

Electronics Engineering

1. Specialist Certificate in Microelectronics

The certificate aims at providing advanced knowledge in the area of Microelectronics which is useful for the integrated circuit fabrication and other related industries. Students will start with courses that provide essential mathematical, physical and circuit knowledge before learning how to analyse semiconductor device using energy bands and device physics equations. Courses that provide in-depth knowledge in integrated circuit and device fabrication involving processing technics, modern day short channel MOS devices, Bipolar devices and reliability of interconnects, thin oxides provide details on several aspects in this industry.

To be awarded the Specialist Certificate, individuals must pass all courses listed below and attain a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.00 to be deemed to have successfully completed the programme.

Course SSG-funded Semester of Offer
1. TTG1401 Engineering Mathematics I No August/January
2. TEE2027 Electronic Circuits  No
3. TIE2130 Quality Engineering I  Yes August/January
4. TEE3431 Microelectronics Materials & Devices Yes
5. TEE4211 Data Science for the Internet of Things Yes
6. TEE4436 Fabrication Process Technology Yes

  1. Check course details here (e.g. pre-requisites, SSG funding, units, lab/non-lab).
  2. SSG funding status and semester of offer may be subject to changes.
  3. To apply for the courses, please check the Lifelong Learning Catalogue if they are available for the upcoming semester, and submit your application online.
  4. Contact SCALE upon successful completion of the required courses. 

2. Specialist Certificate in Communications Engineering

The certificate aims at providing advanced knowledge in the area of Communications and Computer Networks, one of the fastest developing technologies that touches almost every aspect of our social, economic and political spheres. Students will start with courses that provide essential mathematical knowledge before learning how to represent signals using frequency-domain models. Courses that provide in-depth knowledge in analogue and digital communication techniques, as well as data communication networks based on the Internet protocol stack model will enrich the understanding of the entire domain.

To be awarded the Specialist Certificate, individuals must pass all courses listed below and attain a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.00 to be deemed to have successfully completed the programme.

Course SSG-funded Semester of Offer
1. TTG1401 Engineering Mathematics I No August/January
2. TEE2003 Advanced Mathematics for Engineers No
3. TEE2023 Signals and Systems  Yes January
4. TEE4210 Network Protocols and Applications  Yes
5. TEE4211 Data Science for the Internet of Things Yes
6. TEE3131 Communication Systems  Yes

  1. Check course details here (e.g. pre-requisites, SSG funding, units, lab/non-lab).
  2. SSG funding status and semester of offer may be subject to changes.
  3. To apply for the courses, please check the Lifelong Learning Catalogue if they are available for the upcoming semester, and submit your application online.
  4. Contact SCALE upon successful completion of the required courses. 

3. Specialist Certificate in Computer Hardware and Software

The certificate is intended to provide advanced training in computing software and hardware technologies that are essential for a career in modern day information technology industry. Students will start with courses that provide foundation knowledge in C language programming, digital logic and digital circuits. Using the knowledge acquired in the C language programming course, students will learn how to utilise programming to build simple digital systems, and will have the opportunity to design and build a digital system of their choice. There will also be exposure to in-depth knowledge on software engineering, computer architecture and computer communication networks.

To be awarded the Specialist Certificate, individuals must pass all courses listed below and attain a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.00 to be deemed to have successfully completed the programme.

Course SSG-funded Semester of Offer
1. TEE2101 Programming Methodology  Yes January
2. TEE2026 Digital Design  Yes
3. TEE2028 Microcontroller Programming and Interfacing Yes August
4. TEE4211 Data Science for the Internet of Things  Yes
5. TEE3201 Software Engineering  Yes
6. TEE4210 Network Protocols and Applications  Yes

  1. Check course details here (e.g. pre-requisites, SSG funding, units, lab/non-lab).
  2. SSG funding status and semester of offer may be subject to changes.
  3. Refer to fee information here.
  4. To apply for the courses, please check the Lifelong Learning Catalogue if they are available for the upcoming semester, and submit your application online.
  5. Contact SCALE upon successful completion of the required courses.

Industrial and Management Engineering

1. Certificate in Foundations in Industrial and Management Engineering

This certificate programme aims to equip students with foundational and fundamental knowledge of Industrial and Management Engineering. Topics covered include relevant background in mathematics, probability, statistics and computing, followed by selected areas in industrial systems, operations analytics, quality engineering and engineering capital investment analysis. The student on completion of the certificate programme, will be able to perform basic modeling, analysis and optimisation of industrial and service systems.

To be awarded the Certificate, individuals must pass the courses as listed below and attain a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.00 to be deemed to have successfully completed the programme.

Course SSG-funded Semester of Offer
1. TTG1401 Engineering Mathematics I No August/January
2. TIE2030 Programming Methodology with Python Yes
3. TIE2020 Probability and Statistics  No
4-6. At least 3 modules from the following list
   - TIE2010 Introduction to Industrial System  Yes  August
   - TIE2100 Probability Models with Applications Yes January 
   - TIE2110 Operations Research I  Yes August 
   - TIE2130 Quality Engineering I  Yes August/January
   - TIE2140 Engineering Economy  No   January

  1. Check course details here (e.g. pre-requisites, SSG funding, units, lab/non-lab).
  2. SSG funding status and semester of offer may be subject to changes.
  3. To apply for the courses, please check the Lifelong Learning Catalogue if they are available for the upcoming semester, and submit your application online.
  4. Contact SCALE upon successful completion of the required courses.

2. Specialist Certificate in Systems Engineering and Management

This certificate programme aims to equip students with introductory knowledge and concepts of systems engineering and management relevant to industry needs. Topics covered include essential basic background in mathematics, followed by techniques in systems thinking, engineering economics analysis, project management and human factors engineering.

To be awarded the Specialist Certificate, individuals must pass the courses as listed below and attain a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.00 to be deemed to have successfully completed the programme.

Course SSG-funded Semester of Offer
1. TTG1401 Engineering Mathematics I No August/January
2. TIE2010 Introduction to Industrial System Yes
3. TIE2110 Operations Research I  Yes
4. TIE3010 Systems Thinking and Design  Yes
5-6. At least 2 modules from the following list
   - TIE2140 Engineering Economy  No January
   - TIE4240 Project Management  Yes
   - TIE4203 Decision Analysis in Industrial & Operations Management Yes
   - TIE4252 Introduction to Systems Engineering  Yes

  1. Check course details here (e.g. pre-requisites, SSG funding, units, lab/non-lab).
  2. SSG funding status and semester of offer may be subject to changes.
  3. To apply for the courses, please check the Lifelong Learning Catalogue if they are available for the upcoming semester, and submit your application online.
  4. Contact SCALE upon successful completion of the required courses.

3. Specialist Certificate in Project Management

This certificate programme aims to equip the students with introductory concepts and skills in managing engineering projects. Topics covered include essential basic background in mathematics, followed by introduction to industrial systems, engineering economics and cost analysis, project management, and management of new product development.

To be awarded the Specialist Certificate, individuals must pass the courses as listed below and attain a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.00 to be deemed to have successfully completed the programme.

Course SSG-funded Semester of Offer
1. TTG1401 Engineering Mathematics I No August/January
2. TIE2010 Introduction to Industrial System Yes
3. TIE2140 Engineering Economy  No
4. TIE4240 Project Management  Yes
5-6. At least modules from the following list
   - TIE3010 Systems Thinking and Design  Yes
   - TIE4203 Decision Analysis in Industrial & Operations Management Yes
   - TIE4246 New Product Management and Innovation  Yes

  1. Check course details here (e.g. pre-requisites, SSG funding, units, lab/non-lab).
  2. SSG funding status and semester of offer may be subject to changes.
  3. To apply for the courses, please check the Lifelong Learning Catalogue if they are available for the upcoming semester, and submit your application online.
  4. Contact SCALE upon successful completion of the required courses.

4. Specialist Certificate in Supply Chain Management

This advanced certification programme in Supply Chain Management introduces students to the concepts of supply chain management, the key processes in the supply chain such as the manufacturing and distribution, the drivers of supply chain and their trade-off to achieve strategic fit. It also equips students with methodological skills in the field using basic operations research tools for optimisation to support activities such as demand planning and forecasting, manufacturing resource planning and inventory management, and transportation and distribution network design. New trends that have impact on supply chain solution are also explored.

To be awarded the Specialist Certificate, individuals must pass the courses as listed below and attain a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.00 to be deemed to have successfully completed the programme.

Course SSG-funded Semester of Offer
1. TTG1401 Engineering Mathematics I No August/January
2. TIE2020 Probability and Statistics  No
3. TIE2110 Operations Research I 
4-6. At least 3 modules from the following list

   - TSC3222 Global Sourcing & Supply Management  No
   - TSC3224 Distribution & Warehousing  No
   - TIE4220 Supply Chain Modelling  Yes
   - TIE4203 Decision Analysis in Industrial & Operations Management Yes

  1. Check course details here (e.g. pre-requisites, SSG funding, units, lab/non-lab).
  2. SSG funding status and semester of offer may be subject to changes.
  3. To apply for the courses, please check the Lifelong Learning Catalogue if they are available for the upcoming semester, and submit your application online.
  4. Contact SCALE upon successful completion of the required courses.

Mechanical Engineering

1. Specialist Certificate in Offshore Oil & Gas

Singapore is home to over a hundred oil & gas equipment and service companies serving the oil and gas industry. Six out of ten international oilfield equipment manufacturers have established their Asian manufacturing bases in Singapore. The rapid expansion of Singapore's offshore oil & gas sector is projected at an annual growth of 8% (or higher). This robust growth presents great opportunities for mechanical engineers, who are very highly sought after in such industries, where knowledge, practicality, versatility and creativity are paramount. This certificate programme covers engineering fundamentals required for the area and a broad course in offshore oil & gas technology. The Engineering fundamentals include the basic laws of physics governing mass, heat and momentum transfer, behaviour of materials, stress and strain of materials.

To be awarded the Specialist Certificate, individuals must pass the courses as listed below and attain a Grade Point Average of at least 2.00 to be deemed to have successfully completed the programme.

Course SSG-funded Semester of Offer
1. TTG1401 Engineering Mathematics I No August/January
2. TME2114 Mechanics of Materials II  Yes
3. TME2121 Engineering Thermodynamics Yes
4. TME2134 Fluid Mechanics I  Yes
5. TME3211 Mechanics of Solids  Yes August
6. OT5102 Oil & Gas Technology  No August

  1. Check course details here (e.g. pre-requisites, SSG funding, units, lab/non-lab).
  2. SSG funding status and semester of offer may be subject to changes.
  3. To apply for the courses, please check the Lifelong Learning Catalogue if they are available for the upcoming semester, and submit your application online.
  4. Contact SCALE upon successful completion of the required courses.

2. Specialist Certificate in Automation

Robotics is an area of engineering, which deals with the design, construction, operation and application of robots. Since early applications in manufacturing and use in hostile environments, robots are now widely used in diverse fields ranging from precision surgery to the service industries. This certificate programme covers the fundamentals required for the area and courses on microprocessor applications and the kinematics, dynamics and control of robots. The fundamentals include concepts of control system analysis and design, principles of sensors for the measurement of quantities such as position, velocity, acceleration, force, and temperature. The more advanced courses will cover the kinematics and dynamics of more complex robotic systems such as manipulators.

To be awarded the Specialist Certificate, individuals must pass the courses as listed below and attain a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.00 to be deemed to have successfully completed the programme.

Course SSG-funded Semester of Offer
1. TTG1401 Engineering Mathematics I No August/January
2. TME2101 Fundamentals of Mechanical Design Yes
3. TME2142 Feedback Control Systems  Yes
4. TME2143 Sensors and Actuators  Yes
5. TME3241 Microprocessor Applications  Yes January
6. TME4245 Robot Mechanics and Control  Yes August

  1. Check course details here (e.g. pre-requisites, SSG funding, units, lab/non-lab).
  2. SSG funding status and semester of offer may be subject to changes.
  3. To apply for the courses, please check the Lifelong Learning Catalogue if they are available for the upcoming semester, and submit your application online.
  4. Contact SCALE upon successful completion of the required courses.

Supply Chain Management

1. Specialist Certificate in Systems Engineering and Management

This certificate programme aims to equip students with introductory knowledge and concepts of systems engineering and management relevant to industry needs. Topics covered include essential basic background in mathematics, followed by techniques in systems thinking, engineering economics analysis, project management and human factors engineering.

To be awarded the Specialist Certificate, individuals must pass the courses as listed below and attain a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.00 to be deemed to have successfully completed the programme.

Course SSG-funded Semester of Offer
1. TTG1401 Engineering Mathematics I No August/January
2. TIE2010 Introduction to Industrial System Yes
3. TIE2110 Operations Research I  Yes
4. TIE3010 Systems Thinking and Design  Yes
5-6. At least 2 modules from the following list
   - TIE2140 Engineering Economy  No January
   - TIE4240 Project Management  Yes
   - TIE4203 Decision Analysis in Industrial & Operations Management Yes
   - TIE4252 Introduction to Systems Engineering  Yes

  1. Check course details here (e.g. pre-requisites, SSG funding, units, lab/non-lab).
  2. SSG funding status and semester of offer may be subject to changes.
  3. To apply for the courses, please check the Lifelong Learning Catalogue if they are available for the upcoming semester, and submit your application online.
  4. Contact SCALE upon successful completion of the required courses.

2. Specialist Certificate in Project Management

This certificate programme aims to equip the students with introductory concepts and skills in managing engineering projects. Topics covered include essential basic background in mathematics, followed by introduction to industrial systems, engineering economics and cost analysis, project management, and management of new product development.

To be awarded the Specialist Certificate, individuals must pass the courses as listed below and attain a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.00 to be deemed to have successfully completed the programme.

Course SSG-funded Semester of Offer
1. TTG1401 Engineering Mathematics I No August/January
2. TIE2010 Introduction to Industrial System Yes
3. TIE2140 Engineering Economy  No
4. TIE4240 Project Management  Yes
5-6. At least modules from the following list
   - TIE3010 Systems Thinking and Design  Yes
   - TIE4203 Decision Analysis in Industrial & Operations Management Yes
   - TIE4246 New Product Management and Innovation  Yes

  1. Check course details here (e.g. pre-requisites, SSG funding, units, lab/non-lab).
  2. SSG funding status and semester of offer may be subject to changes.
  3. To apply for the courses, please check the Lifelong Learning Catalogue if they are available for the upcoming semester, and submit your application online.
  4. Contact SCALE upon successful completion of the required courses.

3. Specialist Certificate in Supply Chain Management

This advanced certification programme in Supply Chain Management introduces students to the concepts of supply chain management, the key processes in the supply chain such as the manufacturing and distribution, the drivers of supply chain and their trade-off to achieve strategic fit. It also equips students with methodological skills in the field using basic operations research tools for optimisation to support activities such as demand planning and forecasting, manufacturing resource planning and inventory management, and transportation and distribution network design. New trends that have impact on supply chain solution are also explored.

To be awarded the Specialist Certificate, individuals must pass the courses as listed below and attain a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.00 to be deemed to have successfully completed the programme.

Course SSG-funded Semester of Offer
1. TTG1401 Engineering Mathematics I No August/January
2. TIE2020 Probability and Statistics  No
3. TIE2110 Operations Research I 
4-6. At least 3 modules from the following list

   - TSC3222 Global Sourcing & Supply Management  No
   - TSC3224 Distribution & Warehousing  No
   - TIE4220 Supply Chain Modelling  Yes
   - TIE4203 Decision Analysis in Industrial & Operations Management Yes

  1. Check course details here (e.g. pre-requisites, SSG funding, units, lab/non-lab).
  2. SSG funding status and semester of offer may be subject to changes.
  3. To apply for the courses, please check the Lifelong Learning Catalogue if they are available for the upcoming semester, and submit your application online.
  4. Contact SCALE upon successful completion of the required courses.

Application for Admission

You may apply to read the required certificate programme courses by submitting your application online.

Application opens in early May to early June (for August intake – Semester 1) and early October to early November (for January intake – Semester 2) each year.

Please refer the following links for more information on the application procedures and timeline:

SSG Funded Courses: NUS Lifelong Learning (L3) initiative 

Full Fee Courses: Executive Certificates

Visit the L3 Catalogue to view courses available for sign-up when application opens.


12 March 2025