Youth Programme: Maritime and Supply Chain Management


This specialized programme in maritime and supply chain management is curated to introduce participants to the latest trends in the global Supply Chain and Maritime industries, including risk management, strategies, technologies and international concerns on the industry. Topics covered include supply chain management, inventory management, supply chain modelling, port logistics and maritime technology & digitalisation.

At the end of the programme, participants will work in groups to analyse a real-life case studies in at least 2 topics covered in the programme, and present their findings to the class.

Who Should Attend

Participants are preferred to be Year 2 or 3 undergraduates in the following majors: Navigation and Maritime; Transport Engineering; or Supply Chain: Operation and Management.


Participants should have basic understanding of transport engineering and supply chain at undergraduate level.

Participants should be able to read, write and communicate fluently in English, and understand basic terminologies used in the class.

Programme Schedule

For individuals interested in NUS SCALE Youth programmes, please click here to enquire.

For schools/companies interested in customised and/or group bookings, please click here.

Mode of Delivery

On-campus Programme: 15 hours of seminars, workshops, and a final project presentation.

Mode of Assessment

Students will be assessed via a variety of assignments and assessments:

  • Group project


Below are the faculty members who have developed the course, and taught the programme in the past (names are arranged in alphabetical order):

 NUS SCALE youth online programme_Maritime and SCM_Prof Chew Ek Peng  

Prof Chew Ek Peng
Director, Centre of Excellence in Modelling and Simulation for Next Generation Ports
Co-Director, Centre for Next Generation Logistics
Deputy Director, Centre for Maritime Studies
Professor, Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Management, Faculty of Engineering
National University of Singapore

Dr. CHEW Ek Peng received his Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, USA. He is currently Professor in the Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Management at the National University of Singapore. He also holds positions as the Deputy Head (Undergraduate Studies), Director for the Centre of Excellence in Modelling and Simulation for Next Generation Ports, Co-Director for the Centre for Next Generation Logistics and Deputy Director for Centre of Maritime Studies. He was a Visiting Scholar and a Visiting Professor, respectively, at the Georgia Institute of Technology and University of British Columbia in 2006.

His current research areas are in port logistics and maritime transportation, simulation optimization and inventory management. Some of his research works are published in journals such as Transportation Science, Transportation Research Part B, IISE Transactions, European Journal of Operational Research, and Naval Research Logistics. He is serving as Editor-in-Chief of the Asia Pacific Journal of Operational Research, member of the Editorial Board Editors of the Transportation Research Part B, member in the Editorial of Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal. He has also co-edited a book in “Advances in Maritime Logistics and Supply Chain Systems’, a special issue for OR Spectrum on “IT-based planning and control of seaport container terminals and freight transportation systems” and three special issues for Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal on “Maritime Container Logistics and Onshore Transportation Systems (Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3)”.

He and Prof. Lee Loo Hay has recently led a team of multidisciplinary researchers and experience practitioners to win the Next Generation Container Port Challenge with a grand prize of US$1 mil by proposing a revolutionary double-storey container terminal, called the SINGA port.

 NUS SCALE youth online programme_Maritime and SCM_Dr Li Haobin  

Dr Li Haobin
Senior Lecturer, Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Management, Faculty of Engineering
National University of Singapore

Dr. LI Haobin is a Senior Lecturer with the Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Management, National University of Singapore. He is a key researcher in the Centre of Excellence for Simulation and Modelling for Next Generation Port (C4NGP), and Centre of Next Generation Logistics (C4NGL), with a strong research focus on the discrete-event simulation modelling and stochastic simulation optimization. The application of his research studies includes the next generation logistics, maritime port optimization, healthcare, and smart manufacturing.

Dr. Li received his B.Eng. degree with 1st Class Honours in June 2009 from the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) at National University of Singapore (NUS), with minor in computer science; and Ph.D. degree from the same department in February 2014. He has been working as a post-doctoral research fellow in the same department after receiving his Ph.D. degree and until joined A*STAR Singapore as a scientist in July 2015.

During his Ph.D. and post-doctoral studies, Dr. Li has successfully 1) developed MO-COMPASS, a fast and convergent algorithm for multi-objective stochastic simulation optimization; 2) invented GO-POLARS, the stochastic sampling scheme that incorporates gradient information for accelerating simulation-based optimization; and 3) developed O2DES.Net (, an open-structured framework for discrete-event simulation modelling and integrated optimization. He has published 13 journal/conference papers on his developments and their various industrial applications; the other 5 journal papers are under reviews and several working papers are prepared in progress.

Since 2012, Dr. Li has been involved as the main contributor in many academic research / industrial projects funded by various agencies. Recently, his focus is on the real-time data-analytics and stochastic simulation optimization with the IoT sensors and high-performance computing infrastructure, aiming to provide decision support for the next-generation production control and manufacturing management



Successful participants who fulfill all program requirements, including meeting the minimum attendance and passing the assessment, will be awarded an e-Certificate of Completion and Assessment Report issued by NUS SCALE. 
Certificate of Completion

A sample of the Certificate of Completion.

Assessment Report

A sample of the Assessment Report.


Participants from the project team with the highest score for the group project will also receive a commendation letter. 

Commendation Letter

A sample of the Commendation Letter. 


For enquiries, contact us through the following forms:

  • For individuals interested in NUS SCALE Youth programmes, please click here to enquire.
  • For schools/companies interested in customised and/or group bookings, please click here.
11 March 2025