The BTech in Engineering Bridging Units (BEBUs), are short intensive courses specially designed for holders of two-and-a-half-year part-time engineering diplomas intending to pursue tertiary study. These Units are aimed at strengthening the foundation of students and address curricular preparation or transition in Engineering Mathematics and basic engineering topics so that they will be able to cope better with an Engineering degree programme such as the Bachelor of Technology (BTech) in Engineering programmes. A student’s performance in the BEBUs course will be considered in the assessment of an application to be admitted into the BTech in Engineering programmes.


The BEBUs course is mandatory for (and only open to) BTech applicants who hold a two-and-a-half-year Continuing Education and Training (CET) Part-time relevant Local Diploma in Engineering/Applied Science/Business Practice/Infocomm Technology.


To complete the BEBUs course, it is compulsory to take the following three units (click on a link to see the syllabus):

Introductory Engineering Mathematics

Physical Principles in Engineering

Discipline Unit (applicants need to take one of the following, based on the discipline that they wish to pursue in the BTech programmes; Industrial & Management Engineering and Supply Chain Management may choose any of the disciplines offered):

Chemical Engineering

Civil Engineering (For Aug intake only)

Electronics Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Each Unit comprises a total of eight lectures and four tutorials, each of three hours' duration. Each Unit also includes additional mid-term test, laboratory and assignment components as well as an end-of-Unit examination.

A Unit will be offered only if there is a sufficient number of registrations to form a class.


The University reserves all rights to review fees as necessary and adjust accordingly without prior notice.

Course Fee

Per unit:
S$4,905.00 (including 9% GST)

• Includes entrance examination fees

• Non-refundable and non-transferable


  • The deadlines to register and make payment for the BEBUs course will be indicated in the payment portal accordingly.
  • Applicants will be informed about the fees payable for the BEBUs course after the admission application has been processed.
  • Teaching materials will be provided two days before the first lesson upon full payment of fee.
  • BEBUs are not open for application. Applicants will be informed about the BEBU payment amount after the admission application has been processed.
  • For applicants that are deemed successful for the subsidy by the Admission Committee, the subsidised amount will be reflected in the application portal when the application outcome is released. Subsidies are not applicable for internationals.
  • An applicant is allowed to enjoy the subsidised fee only once.


For Admission into Aug 2024 Intake

Units Lecture Sessions
(8 sessions)
Tutorial Sessions
(4 sessions)
Introductory Engineering Mathematics
Time: 6.00pm–9.00pm

19 Mar 2024–11 Apr 2024* 
(Every Tue & Thu)

*In lieu of NUS Wellbeing Day on 28 Apr, Lectures 3 & 4 have been shifted as follows:
Lecture 3: 25 Mar 2024 (Mon)
Lecture 4: 26 Mar 2024 (Tue)
Time: 9.30am–12.30pm

23 Mar 2024–13 Apr 2024
(Every Sat)
Physical Principles in Engineering
Time: 6.00pm–9.00pm

20 Mar 2024–8 May 2024* 
(Every Wed)

*In lieu of the Public Holidays, Lectures 4,6,7 have been shifted as follows:
Lecture 4: 8 Apr 2024 (Mon)
Lecture 6: 26 Apr 2024 (Fri)
Lecture 7: 29 Apr 2024 (Mon)

Time: 2.00pm–5.00pm

6, 13, 27 Apr 2024 & 11 May 2024
(On Saturdays)

Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Time: 6.00pm–9.00pm

30 Apr 2024 – 21 May 2024*
(Every Mon & Tue)

*Lectures 1 & 2 have been shifted as follows:
Lecture 1: 30 Apr 2024 (Tue)
Lecture 2: 3 May 2024 (Fri)
Time: 9.30am–12.30pm

4 May 2024 – 25 May 2024 
(Every Sat)
Electronics Engineering
Time: 6.00pm–9.00pm

23 April 2024–16 May 2024
(Every Tue & Thu)
Time: 9.30am–12.30pm

27 April 2024–18 May 2024 
(Every Sat)
Mechanical Engineering Time: 6.00pm–9.00pm

23 April 2024–16 May 2024
(Every Tue & Thu)
Time: 9.30am–12.30pm

27 April 2024–18 May 2024 
(Every Sat) 


BEBUs at a Glance*
Next Intake:

Mandatory for BTech programme applicants who are two-and-and-half-year part-time diploma holders
Open to BTech programme applicants who are part-time diploma holders

* For full details, please refer to main write-up.

For enquiries, contact us.

For enquiries, contact us.

We will guide you through the next steps of your transformative journey.

27 February 2024