The National University of Singapore (NUS) Bachelor of Technology (Chemical Engineering) programme is offered in partnership with the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.

The programme is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Board (EAB) of the Institution of Engineers Singapore (IES). Via this accreditation, all signatories in the Washington Accord recognise the substantial equivalence of this programme in satisfying the academic requirements for the practice of engineering at the professional level in many countries, including Canada, United States of America, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Australia and others.

The educational objectives of the BTech (Chemical Engineering) programme are to:

  • develop knowledge and skills required for immediate employment as a professional engineer in Chemical Engineering;
  • develop an understanding of and an ability to apply basic mathematics, chemical, physical and information sciences to the practice of Chemical Engineering;
  • prepare students for future career paths and life-long learning; and
  • enable students to better contribute to national development in the context of globalisation.

The programme aims to achieve the following learning outcomes:

  • Core: Understanding of and ability to apply the science, mathematics and engineering knowledge fundamental to the discipline.
  • Breadth: Basic competence in a range of technical areas relevant to Chemical Engineering.
  • Depth: Be able to understand and apply in-depth knowledge of one or more specialisations within Chemical Engineering.
  • Design: An enhanced ability to perform engineering design by the process of creative thinking, synthesis and integration of interdisciplinary knowledge.


Admission to the NUS BTech programme is granted on a competitive basis as places in the programme are limited. Applicants should possess the following minimum requirements:

Academic Polytechnic Diploma in a relevant field of Engineering, or an equivalent qualification

Note: Holders of a two-and-a-half-year Continuing Education and Training (CET) Part-time Local Diploma in Engineering/Applied Science/Business Practice/Infocomm Technology may apply only after successfully completing their local diploma, and are required to complete the BTech Engineering Bridging Units (BEBUs).

  • Two years of full-time work experience; or
  • Currently employed on a full-time basis; or
  • Fully discharged National Service (NS) liability

Note: Part-time employment will not be considered as full-time work experience. A part-time employee is one who works for less than 35 hours a week, under contract of service with an employer.


Be at least 21 years of age.

Applicants are encouraged to submit along with their application the following documentation (where applicable):

  • Evidence of additional post-diploma/post-degree academic preparation, including advanced diploma and specialist diploma studies
  • Availability of company sponsorship

Applicants may be required by the Admission Committee to sit for entrance examination(s).

Holders of a polytechnic diploma or equivalent (except for holders of a part-time diploma — who are required to take BEBUs) may opt to take BTech Engineering Preparatory Units (BEPUs) as refresher courses before taking the entrance examinations.

Note: Singapore Citizens (SCs) and Singapore Permanent Residents (SPRs) who have fully discharged their full-time NS liability may be granted exemption from the work experience and age requirements if they are:

  • Sponsored by their company for the part-time undergraduate degree programme; or
  • Currently employed in a job role/sector related to the part-time undergraduate degree programme.

Such applicants must submit relevant supporting documents(s) along with their admission application for assessment. NUS reserves the right to determine if exemption will be granted, and the University's decision will be final and binding.


The NUS BTech programme is offered on the following basis (with estimated time to complete the programme indicated in brackets):

  • Part-time (typically four years)

The period of candidature is minimum two-and-half years and maximum six years.

Note: Students will be deemed to have progressed to the next stage of study if they have obtained at least the number of Units, including exemptions, as stated below:

  • To move to Stage 2 (Year 2): 36 Units
  • To move to Stage 3 (Year 3): 76 Units
  • To move to Stage 4 (Year 4): 112 Units


The NUS BTech (Chemical Engineering) is a 161-Unit undergraduate degree programme comprising:

Note: 20 Units of programme requirements and 20 Units of unrestricted elective requirements will normally be given as Advanced Placement Credits (APCs) to holders of relevant diploma or higher qualifications. Students will be required to complete a minimum of 121 Units of courses as listed below.

University-level Requirements for General Education

Students must complete 20 Units, comprising one General Education (GE) Course from each of the pillars in the following list.

View Courses

GE Course Code Prefix Pillar Units
GEC Culture and Connections 4
Critique and Expressions 4
Singapore Studies 4
Data Literacy 4
Digital Literacy 4

Programme Requirements

Students must complete 93 Units, comprising courses from the following list.

View Courses

Faculty Requirements (8 Units)
Course Code Course Title Units
TTG2415 Ethics in Engineering 4
TTG2901 Communications for Engineering Professionals

Major Requirements – Essential Courses (65 Units) 

View Courses

Course Code
Course Title
MatLab Programming for Chemical Engineers
Chemical Engineering Principles
Engineering Mathematics 1
Materials for Chemical Engineers
Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
Fluid Mechanics
Heat and Mass Transfer
Mathematics for Chemical Engineers 2
Process Dynamics and Control
Particle Technology
Separation Processes
Process Safety, Health and Environment
Process Modelling & Numerical Simulation
Process Synthesis and Simulation
Final Year Design Project

* Note: TCN1005 is double-counted towards both the respective Major Requirements - Essential Courses and the Digital Literacy (GEI) pillar.

Major Requirements – Elective Courses (20 Units, to be selected from the list below)

Not all elective courses may be offered in any semester/year. An elective course may not be offered if there is insufficient number of students opting for that course at any particular time. 

View Courses

Course Code Course Title Units
TCN4119 BTech Dissertation 8
TCN4203 Polymer Engineering 4
TCN4205 Pinch Analysis and Process Integration 4
TCN4208 Biochemical Engineering 4
TCN4210 Membrane Science and Engineering 4
TCN4211 Petrochemicals & Processing Technology 4
TCN4215 Food Technology and Engineering 4
TCN4216 Electronic Materials Science 4
TCN4217 Processing of Microelectronic Materials 4
TCN4227 Advanced Process Control 4
TCN4229 Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 4
TCN4231 Downstream Processing of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Products 4
TCN4233 Good Manufacturing Practices in Pharmaceutical Industry 4
TCN4238 Chemical & Biochemical Process Modeling 4
TCN4240 Unit Operations and Processes for Effluent Treatment 4
TCN4242 Optimization of Chemical Processes 4
TCN4246 Chemical and Bio-Catalysis 4

Unrestricted Elective Courses (12 Units)
These courses allow students to explore greater breadth or depth in any subject and at any level.

View a SAMPLE study schedule. This sample is NOT applicable to students who are already enrolled into the BTech programme. Current BTech students should refer to the recommended schedule in the SCALE Student Portal.

Note: Courses are subject to change. For more information about the courses listed above (as well as other courses offered in the current academic year), please visit NUSMODS.


To graduate with a BTech (Chemical Engineering) degree, students must meet the following requirements:

Programme and/or Specialisation

Complete a minimum of 161 Units.

A minimum 60% of Programme/Major/Second Major credits must be earned from NUS courses, which are defined as all courses taught, co-taught, supervised or co-supervised by one or more NUS faculty members. These would consist of graded courses with assigned grade points, or courses with an ‘S' or ‘CS' grade.

The other 40% of credits may be earned through credit transfers, advanced placement and exemptions, provided these credits are earned from courses deemed relevant to the particular Major/Programme.

Course and/or Graduate Certificate

Level-1000 courses to be counted towards fulfilment of graduation requirements limited to 60 Units (including the 20 Units of APCs)

Grade Point Average (GPA) 

Minimum 2.0 (out of maximum 5.0)

Please see also the University’s minimum standards for Continuation and Graduation Requirements. Specific programmes may implement stricter or additional requirements.

Other  Any other additional requirements that may be prescribed by SCALE, the College of Design and Engineering, or the University


The University reserves all rights to review fees as necessary and adjust accordingly without prior notice.

Tuition Fee

Refer to the cohort-based tuition fee per Unit here

Note: BTech fees are charged on a cohort-based system, where tuition fees are fixed throughout a student’s candidature, based on the prevailing fee for the intake in which the student was admitted. The fees are reviewed annually, with adjustments being made as and when necessary with each new cohort of students. This system, which has been in place at NUS since AY2008/09, allows each new cohort to anticipate the approximate total tuition fees they have to pay throughout their candidature

Financial Assistance

The Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE) provides eligible Singaporeans and SPRs taking undergraduate degree or higher qualification programmes for the first time in local universities, even if on a part-time basis, with a substantial tuition fee subsidy. Refer to the cohort-based tuition fee per Unit here.

Mid-career Singaporeans aged 40 and above may also receive greater structural support to pursue a substantive skills reboot and stay relevant in a changing economy through the SkillsFuture Level-Up Programme.

For more about loans and other financial assistance, please refer to the NUS Office of Admissions
Application Fee 

S$50.00 (excluding GST) /
S$54.50 (including 9% GST)

  • Non-refundable and non-transferable
  • Limited to one application submission per intake, for up to a maximum of five programmes/courses per application
Administrative Fee S$255.06 (including 9% GST)

  • Payable every regular semester
Miscellaneous Student Fees

As published by NUS Office of the University Registrar

  • Payable every regular semester 

Programme at a Glance*

Upcoming Event(s):

Watch this space for updates!

Next Intake:
Application Period:
Nov 2025–Jan 2026 (12pm)

Download the Application Guide before applying

Updating soon!

* For full details, please refer to main write-up.

For enquiries, contact us.


• PDF Brochure (English)


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06 March 2025