Making a Mid-Career Leap with NUS SkillsFuture Career Transition Programmes

28 March 2023 – “I was in a domain that I didn’t love, and couldn’t see myself doing for the rest of my life. So, after reflecting on what I truly wanted, I decided to leave.”

Gerald Chow’s story is one of many in his cohort of the National University of Singapore’s (NUS’) SkillsFuture Career Transition Programmes (SCTPs). Each of his classmates shares different reasons for enrolling, from aspiring to take on a bigger role in their company to improving their prospects as a freelancer, finding a new career following a retrenchment, and more.

While their reasons for embarking in the programmes may vary, these individuals share one thing in common – they are reinvigorating their professional lives with a mid-career transition, and they trust that NUS’ SCTPs will equip them with the skills needed to take the daring leap!

What are the NUS SkillsFuture Career Transition Programmes?
These are Train-and-Place programmes where SCTP trainees attend training courses and engage in a host of immersive learning activities, such as career advisory services and employment facilitation. As its name suggests, this series of programmes is a national workforce initiative by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) and supported by NUS.

Each of these three- to six-month long programmes support mid-career professionals in their efforts to learn industry-relevant skills to improve employability in – and gain access to – new sectors. Currently, individuals can enrol in the NUS Digital Transformation Programme and NUS Data Analytics Programme. An NUS Green Economy Programme will be available later in 2023.

Individuals looking for more information on the programmes can view all course-related details on the SCTP page of the NUS School of Continuing and Lifelong Education (NUS SCALE) website. In fact, this availability of information is what differentiates NUS’ SCTPs from other career transition programmes, according to Desmond Chin, who enrolled in the NUS Data Analytics Programme and has already secured a job that’s an upgrade from his previous one – even before officially completing the programme.

SCTP - Desmond

Levelling up and matchmaking: All in a day’s work at NUS SCALE
Being full-time programmes, the SCTPs are designed to empower individuals with as much industry-knowledge and on-the-job experience as possible, as quickly as possible – and are perfect for people who are either between jobs, or freelancers with flexible schedules.

Cynthia Zulkarnain, an SAP Consultant, told us how the SCTPs offer a fantastic support system for both freelancers and unemployed individuals:

SCTP - Cynthia

Following up, Low Lee Keng, Assistant Senior Manager (Strategic Projects) at NUS SCALE, explains, “These are demand-based programmes, which NUS creates based on feedback from our employer partners. Simply put, employers in the industry tell us what type of candidates they need, including what skills candidates should ideally possess. We design each SCTP to share these skills with participants, while keeping employers’ needs in mind when shortlisting participants.”

“This way, the programmes benefit everyone. Participants learn valuable skills that the industry needs now, and they are offered opportunities to work with employers who have readily available positions – roles that participants want to transition into for the next phase of their career. Meanwhile, employers gain access to a pipeline of motivated mid-career professionals who have demonstrated their desire to improve themselves.”

Technical skills, soft skills, and more
What’s more, these programmes offer participants more than just technical expertise. Participants also get to leverage the university’s suite of career-related resources. These include career counselling, resume reviews, as well as lessons and workshops on using social media as a professional marketing tool, getting ready for interviews, being psychologically prepared to embrace a new role, and more.

Gerald describes the holistic nature of the programme with enthusiasm:

SCTP - Gerald

Getting started

Both mid-career professionals and interested employers can click here to learn more about the NUS SkillsFuture Career Transition Programmes.

Enrollment for the 3rd run of NUS SCTP in Data Analytics opens from now till 23 June 2023. Professionals who are interested in pursuing these programmes may register here.

Enterprises that wish to join us as an Employment Partner (EP) can apply using this form.

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  • Making a Mid-Career Leap with NUS SkillsFuture Career Transition Programmes
23 January 2024