Opening Dinner and Plenary for the Leading in Sustainability and Climate Change: Lessons from the Little Green Dot Programme


28 October 2022 – Ms Grace Fu, Minister for Sustainability and the Environment, attended the Dinner and Plenary for the Leading in Sustainability and Climate Change: Lessons from the Little Green Dot programme on 26 October.

Held at NUSS Kent Ridge Guild House, Minister Grace Fu joined a panel on Fostering Collaborations Between Public and Private Sectors Towards Achieving Singapore’s Green Ambitions with Professor Koh Lian Pin, Director, Centre for Nature-Based Climate Solutions (CNCS) and Tom Enger, Head of Product, Climate Impact X. Melissa Low, Research Fellow at the CNCS moderated the session, attended by 35 programme participants and guests, including senior executives from organisations such as Starhub, Keppel, Wateroam, Hitachi Asia and GE.


The panellists and moderator for the plenary session. From left: Ms Melissa Low, Professor Koh Lian Pin, Minister Grace Fu and Mr Tom Enger.

In her welcome address, Professor Susanna Leong, Vice Provost (Masters and Lifelong Learning) and Dean, NUS School of Continuing and Lifelong Education, reaffirmed NUS’s commitment to advancing sustainable development and contributing to efforts to stem climate change, including strengthening NUS’s offerings of executive and continuing education programmes on climate change and sustainability.

During the panel, the panellists, programme participants and guests discussed topics from why Singapore needs carbon taxes, the role of public and private sectors in helping SMEs as well as synergies, conflicts and trade-offs in sustainability.

The five-day executive programme brings together the best in class on the subject matter of sustainability and climate change by featuring subject matter experts from across NUS faculties, colleges and research centres as well as from the industry, coming together to discuss what drives climate change, the policies and responses to climate action, and how to make better decisions when navigating the political and business environment to achieve sustainability goals. The first three days of the programme was held from 26 to 28 October; participants reconvene on 24 and 25 November to discuss the business of sustainability, and to hear from speakers who participated in COP27.

About the Leading in Sustainability and Climate Change: Lessons from the Little Green Dot programme:

The inaugural run of the NUS executive programme, Leading in Sustainability and Climate Change: Lessons from the Little Green Dot, took place from 26 to 28 October, 24 and 25 November at the NUS Kent Ridge campus.

This programme is co-led by Prof Benjamin Cashore from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy and Prof Roman Carrasco from the Faculty of Science. By attending the programme, programme participants can expect to:

  • Understand what drives climate change, the policies and responses to the problem, and how to make better decisions when navigating the political and business environment to achieve sustainability goals.
  • Participate in discussions on climate change and sustainability with NUS thought leaders and with peers from the public and private sector.
  • Access tools to mitigate climate change challenges and create opportunities for your organisations.

Programme participants will be encouraged to review their current business models in light of an increasingly carbon-constrained world, and to set a vision for what success looks like in the future. It is envisaged that participants will leave the programme with the inspiration, understanding and confidence to define and respond to pressing social, economic and environmental priorities.

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Participants of the Leading in Sustainability and Climate Change: Lessons from the Little Green Dot in a group photo with Minister for Sustainability and the Environment Grace Fu and representatives from NUS.

  • News
  • Opening Dinner and Plenary for the Leading in Sustainability and Climate Change: Lessons from the Little Green Dot programme
06 December 2022